Monday, April 20, 2009

Snakes in the Pond

"A woman's just like a snake, the last thing that dies is her tail." -Truman Capote

One of the great mysteries in the world is why my father likes Truman Capote. I will never understand and that's fine because there are a lot of mysteries involving my father. This past Sunday I was at my parents' house and Dad was telling me about the two snakes he shot that morning because they were swimming around in one of his ponds eating the fish he had just purchased the day before. We go outside to take a look at the "water snakes" and the first one had already been cut open by my Dad so he could prove it had indeed eaten a fish. There was definately a fish in there. While looking at this aftermath Dad was poking the snake and it's tail was moving around a bit. That's when he quoted Capote although not exactly right but close enough. The second snake had yet to be disected so I took pictures while Dad cut it open. Two fish in that one. Dad was pissed that the snakes had cost him approximately 80 cents.

This past weekend was great. Eric found out he passed the bar exam last Thursday so there was much celebrating to be done (see Eric's blog). I am very proud of him and happy for him and glad all that waiting is over. He is being sworn in today and everything will be official.

1 comment:

Eric said...

Yeah, we had a blast.

I love you.

Blog about the trash cans...