Thursday, May 13, 2010


I know, I know. That last post really sucked. This one will too because it's kinda sad.
I discovered a word the other day:

Nepenthe: 1. a drug or drink, or the plant yielding it, mentioned by ancient writers as having the power to bring forgetfulness of sorrow or trouble.
2. anything inducing a pleasurable sensation of forgetfulness, esp. of sorrow or trouble.

Wouldn't it be awesome to have a nepenthe for every troubling situation? In a sense we do though because we have friends and family who act as a nepenthe. We have lovely people around us and good things happen to us which cause us to forget or get over the troubling thing or person. But a drug or drink would certainly be nice.
A friend is going through a divorce and god I feel so bad for her. I don't think divorce has ever been this close to me. It's very sad to know that she is probably hurting so bad and I wish I had a nepenthe to offer her. I can only offer my ear and my time and my home and that is what I'll do. I hope she'll heal quickly and that she will find the love that was meant for her and that is good enough for her.

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