Wednesday, May 12, 2010

And so it goes

Eric and I got new phones and this makes me so very happy. It is touch screen and you can access the internet and TAKE PICTURES! Oh my goodness. Also, fuck you At&t.

Things are going just fine around here except I still sort of hate my job and am still looking for a new one. I found out I'm being paid $5,000 less than the mid-range pay for my position. This is no good to me and I feel like I'm being taken advantage of so I'll continue to seek alternative employment.

Dad got the o.k. to take off the neck brace yesterday! WOOT!

Eric and I are going to a wedding in Natchez this weekend. It will be our first trip with the two dogs in tow so it should be interesting at the very least. I do love weddings though. We went to one this past weekend and it was nice.

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